SAT-OCEAN ocean current modelling is based on HYCOM. To this state of the art model, we bring significant innovation using it in an inverse way : the data "drives" the model and we fit the dynamics onto it to yield 3D absolute ocean currents. Various assimilation methods are used to drive our models with satellite data together with on site measurements.
A 1/16° spatial resolution full 3D global model is run daily in-house in nowcast and forecast mode. Fine resolution 1/64th of a degree (eq. 1.7km) with a 1-hour time step downscaled areas are specifically nested into the global run to cover our clients operations zones.
Using comparable technologies and methodology, SAT-OCEAN also computes wind and waves data, available for any location worldwide.
File formats : Grib, NetCDF, ASCII/text, CSV/Xls, SINTEF (gwd, hyd), OILMAP, ArcGIS (shp, ...), etc.